Quarto is an open-source scientific and technical publishing system that builds on standard markdown with features essential for scientific communication.
Shortcodes are special markdown directives that generate various types of content. For example, you could create shortcodes to embed tweets or videos in a document.
Filters are a flexible and powerful tool for introducing new global behaviors and/or new markdown rendering behaviors.
Formats enable you to create new output formats by bundling together document options, templates, stylesheets, and other content.
YAML Intelligence
YAML code completion for config files, front matter, and chunk options
Real-time diagnostics and clear errors at render time for invalid YAML
Custom format system designed to accomodate the creation of articles for publishing in professional Journals:
The ability to flexibly adapt the native LaTeX templates provided by Journals for use with Pandoc.
The use of spans and divs to apply formatting (which enables targeting by CSS for HTML output and LaTeX macros/environments for PDF output).
A standardized schema for authors and affiliations so that you can express this data once and then have it automatically formatted according to the styles required for various Journals.
The use of Citation Style Language (CSL) to automate the formatting of citations and bibliographies according to whatever style is required by various Journals.